Purchase College, State University of New York
G.W.F. Hegel: “Introduction,” from the Phenomenology of Spirit (K.R. Dove, tr.) (1970)
G.W.F. Hegel: “Sense-Certainty,” from the Phenomenology of Spirit, Ch. I (K.R. Dove, tr.) (2001)
G.W.F. Hegel: “Absolute Knowing,” from the Phenomenology of Spirit, Ch. VIII (K.R. Dove, tr.) (2001)
"Mediation and Immediacy in Hegel, Marx and Feuerbach," Karl Löwith (K.R. Dove, tr.) (1971)
"The Proof-Structure of Kant's Transcendental Deduction," Dieter Henrich (K.R. Dove, tr.) (1969)
Book Review: Hegel’s Ontology and the Theory of Historicity. By Herbert Marcuse (1989)
Book Review: Hegel. The Arguments of the Philosophers. By M.J. Inwood (1986)
Book Review: Hegel’s Development. Toward the Sunlight: 1770–1801. By Henry S. Harris (1974)
'They [the Stoic dogmatists] say that it is not uttered speech (logos proforikos) but internal speech (logos endiathetos) by which man differs from non-rational animals . . . ' (Sextus Empiricus)
"This monumental and ground-breaking distinction, between 'uttered speech' and 'internal speech,' marks the advent of a way of speaking and thinking that will become 'second nature' for philosophy and much else in the West." (LTASH)


